The Cozy Tomb
Please Shine Down on Me
Listening to: ♫ You're Dead by Norma Tanega I have exactly nine months. Nine months to nest. Nine months to prepare. Nine month to bloom. I'm pregnant with my new project. I will center myself around it, and invite creativity and freedom inside of me. After all, I...
I Need to Find My Way Home
I need to find my way home Where my thoughts are happy And my steps are light Where aches and tiredness Say goodbye for a while I want to find my cozy tomb My creative haven Be free for once
Starting Too Late
Sometimes I feel like my life is already over. Of course, I know it isn't true. I know I still have time—all the time I have left in my life. I know it is bullshit, and even thought I am now older, more tired, sicker, tired... I still have good days ahead of me. But...